Impersonation Scam
WHAT IS AN Impersonation Scam?
This scam usually involves a phone call or in-app call (e.g WhatsApp) from someone claiming to be a local government official (e.g. government official, police officer or court official), staff from a bank or telco, or a representative of a Chinese bank or courier company.
Look out for these scam signs
Calls or messages from courier companies, telcos, e-commerce platforms or government agencies asking for personal details, bank account details or OTPs.
Caller claims you have committed an offence, have pending court cases, account issues, and threatens to escalate the matter to higher authorities if you do not cooperate.
Numbers with a '+' prefix are not necessarily from Singapore, so beware.
Unexpected messages or calls with no prior contact with the person or organisation. Person is unable to provide specific details of the situation but pressures you for personal details.
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