Internet Love Scam

Internet Love Scam

As of December 2022



Have fallen prey to scammers



Total amount lost to scammers


You are befriended by an attractive person (usually foreign) online and after gaining your trust, they ask you for money as proof of love. He/She will tell a tale about falling into trouble or hard times and ask for a loan from you. Once the money is transferred, the scammer disappears.

In some cases, your online friend may ask you to invest in a company or cryptocurrencies.

He/she may also request that you help them receive or transfer funds on their behalf using your bank account.

Look out for these scam signs

How to stay safe

If you have not met the person, do not send any money to him or her.
Verify the identity of the person you are talking to with an online image search on,
Insist on a LIVE video call with the person you're talking to.
All investments carry risks. Be wary of opportunities that promise high returns and low risk.

Always ask, check and confirm before you invest.
Never allow others to use your bank account to conduct their transactions. You may be committing a crime by laundering money for criminals.

Money laundering is a serious offence. Offenders may be fined up to $500,000 and imprisoned for 10 years. You should note that you are responsible for all the transactions carried out on your account.

Explore each stage of this scam

The 5 Stages of Internet Love Scam

Discover the techniques behind the scam and red flags to look out for

Internet Love Scam: Real Stories

26 May 2024 | Internet Love Scam

Online friend turned out to be a scammer

I met Sam on CMB in April 2024. According to his profile, he is from Australia but stays in Malaysia and works as a property project developer. Throughout our conversations on the app, he was polite…...

12 May 2024 | Internet Love Scam

Beware of Internet Love scams!

I met Su Yu Hang on a dating app, where he claimed to be from Malacca, Malaysia, residing in Singapore for six years with permanent residency, working in marketing. Initially, he seemed genuine, but soon…...

24 Apr 2024 | Internet Love Scam

Be wary of Internet Love scams

Met bernard on the Cmb app, and he promptly suggested continuing our conversation on WhatsApp or Telegram. He mentioned residing in a condo in tampines, making some investment and plan to be financial…...

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CALL 1800-722-6688
(Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, excl. PH)

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