Beware of Job scams!

Anonymous | 07 Feb 2024

Job Scam
Recruiter Company: WECRUIT
Contacts: Alicia Chua +658413346?, Jestina +658216437?

WECRUIT offers admin job opportunities. Upon acceptance, you'll complete 10 tasks, each requiring payment. After finishing a project, you can withdraw funds: $90 upfront, then $117, followed by earnings % at Level 2.

At Level 2, tasks and payments increase: $90 for the first, $1600 for 2-3, $3000 for 4-5, $6000 for 6-7, $2400 for 8-9, and $6000 split for the final 10 projects.

However, withdrawal attempts prompt task category errors via email, trapping funds on the site. Fake customer service emails demand payment to resolve withdrawal issues.

Sharing my story to caution others. No help comes in such situations.