Beware of fake job offers

Anonymous | 14 May 2024

Job Scam
On April 28, 2024, I received a WhatsApp message from Cindy of "Adsvik Media Pte. Ltd" asking if I was looking for a job. After verifying that the company is registered in Singapore, I replied to the message and was referred to contact the hirer via Telegram. Suspecting it was a scam, I reported and blocked the WhatsApp contact.

Today, May 14, 2024, I received a similar WhatsApp message from Jessica of Media Access (S) Pte Ltd. After confirming the company's registration, I replied. I received identical job offers from both companies.

The job offers from Adsvik Media Pte Ltd and Media Access (S) Pte. Ltd are alike: a work-from-home arrangement for the first six months, processing orders from clients like Agoda,, and These recruiters are not employment agencies, so the probability of offering identical jobs is very low. Besides, Media Access (S) Pte. Ltd is registered as a company operating a data center, not in the digital marketing business.

I blocked and reported both WhatsApp contact numbers as phishing messages. To verify if the messages were from genuine recruiters, I attempted to call the recruiters' phone numbers using telephone calls, but no one picked up or the numbers were invalid.

I recall seeing similar offers from Adsvik Media Pte Ltd and Media Access (S) Pte Ltd. I hastily blocked and reported the WhatsApp number from Adsvik Media Pte Ltd before taking screenshots of the last few messages. I believe both are from scammers using valid Singapore-registered companies for phishing and scams.