I lost $6k to a Job scam

Anonymous | 26 May 2024

Job Scam

They first contacted me through a WhatsApp group chat for TripAdvisor and Shopee, sending a job link to Telegram. They taught me to simply click likes for shops to help sellers create awareness/popularity, offering $3-30 rewards every half hour.

Next, they increased the job's difficulty by asking me to cart out items with very small amounts involved, around $2-3. They reimbursed me the amount paid with much better rewards ($10-50).

At certain times of the day, they introduced higher return jobs (20-40%). They sent a link to create an account to complete the work order. First, I was asked to transfer the amount I wanted to work on, and they assigned the same amount of credits into the work page. After completing the task, I informed them in the Telegram group. They then told me there was another work order from the merchant that I needed to complete to get back the money I put in for the first job.

There were no refunds if I didn't follow their instructions to complete all tasks. If I did complete them, they promised extra returns.