Beware of investment scams

Anonymous | 07 Feb 2024

Investment Scam Internet Love Scam
Matched with a girl named Gabby on Bumble, who claimed to be from Malaysia and had been in Singapore for six years, working as an RM at HL Bank in Tanjong Pagar. We moved our conversation to Telegram, and she insisted on phone calls instead of meeting up, which I accepted. Despite not asking, she began sending me pictures of her daily life. Our chats turned sweet, and she even shared her Chinese name, 吴语薰(Wu Yuxun), making me believe she was genuine.

After a week of daily calls, she started explaining government fundings and private equity/private placements, seemingly related to her job under the name HL bank/HL group/HLG. She mentioned a business trip to Vietnam the very next day, sending pictures from the plane and upon landing at the airport. During her trip, she spoke of a BTO opportunity for her own investment and asked for help checking the BTO site, conveniently near my home which I did out of goodwill.

That night, she asked me to join a private equity platform, providing an invitation code from her MD, Jason, prompting that the code will expire within one day. She then provided me with the link which showed me the website from HL Group/HLG/Hong Leong Group and guided me through the account setup, emphasizing daily password changes for access to the investment categories . Encouraging me to invest, she proposed a $500 investment, promising a 13% profit within an hour, which indeed came through. She then suggested a $5,000 investment with 18% profit, offering to lend me $3,200 to meet the amount when I mentioned I only have $1,800 to spare.

After investing, I discovered I had three investments lots instead of just one which she say was very lucky of me, however it required payment for each lots which was an additional $10,000 else the initial deposit will be forfeited. Panicked, I sought her help, but she claimed to have used her funds for her own investments on the BTO. She suggested taking personal or bank loans to cover the amounts, convincing me with her guidance. I went along, taking loans and transferred the needed funds to the investment.

When I tried to withdraw my profits, my account froze after three "unsuccessful" password attempts which I was sure was not wrong, demanding a transfer equal to my balance to unfreeze it which is $17,850 at that point. She blamed & berated me for not informing her of my withdrawal attempt and advised taking more loans to resolve the issue. This is when I was stopped by the bank and convinced I was being love scammed.

She recently changed her username to Abby(@xuinabby) on Telegram and is still active on dating apps, prompting me to share my experience to warn others. Remember, never send money or invest with strangers, and government payments are never made via Paynow or bank transfers. Stay vigilant and safe.