Be wary of Credit-for-Sex scams

Anonymous | 07 Jan 2024

Credit-for-Sex Scam

I connected with a girl on Locanto and continued our conversation on Telegram. She claimed to be from Malaysia, engaging in part-time social escorting due to financial difficulties. She inquired about my name, age, and location. I provided false information, except for stating that I resided in Sengkang.

She mentioned living alone at 308 Anchorvale, near my location, and proposed meeting for her services at $100 for 2 hours or $300 for overnight. We agreed to meet at 10 pm. Upon arrival, she requested a picture of the surroundings and my contact number. Insisting on using Telegram, she directed me to go to 7-Eleven, where someone would call to explain safety protocols.

A person with a PRC accent called on Telegram, insisting on avoiding cash payment for safety reasons. They instructed me to buy iTunes credit from 7-Eleven, raising suspicions. Despite my preference for PayNow or cash, they persisted, leading me to cancel the meeting. In response, they threatened exposure and trouble for my family. Unconvinced, I blocked them on Telegram after repeated calls.